Hello, I’m Fidha Mariyam! 👋🏻
I’m a passionate entrepreneur, creative professional, and photographer with a deep love for helping others tell their stories through design, visuals, and branding. My journey into the world of creativity and business began with a simple desire: to make a difference in the lives of women who aspire to build something meaningful.
I’ve always been drawn to the power of visuals and how they can shape perceptions, convey emotions, and tell stories. My creative journey started with photography, where I discovered the joy of capturing moments and products in ways that make them shine. This passion eventually grew into a broader interest in branding and helping businesses present themselves authentically and effectively.

What I do
Through my business, CreativeDesk, I work closely with female small and medium business owners to elevate their brands. My services range from branding and product photography to Shopify setup and providing resources like guides and templates. I also lead workshops and offer consultations to empower women with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the competitive business world.
But my work doesn’t stop there. I’m constantly learning, evolving, and finding new ways to help others bring their visions to life. Whether it’s through a beautifully designed logo, a striking product photo, or a well-crafted brand strategy, my goal is to help businesses stand out and succeed.

Why I do it
I believe that every woman has the potential to create something extraordinary. However, I also know how challenging it can be to start and grow a business, especially in a world where competition is fierce and resources are limited. That’s why I founded CreativeDesk—to provide a supportive space where women can find the creative services and guidance they need to turn their dreams into reality.
My passion for helping others stems from my own experiences as an entrepreneur. I’ve faced the same hurdles, doubts, and uncertainties that many business owners encounter, and I’ve learned valuable lessons along the way. I want to share what I’ve learned to make the journey easier for others and to inspire more women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

I believe in the power of creativity to transform not just businesses, but lives. My approach is rooted in collaboration, authenticity, and a deep commitment to seeing others succeed. I’m here to listen to your ideas, understand your vision, and work with you to create something that truly represents who you are and what you stand for.

Let's Connect
Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me and what I do. Whether you’re a fellow entrepreneur, a creative soul, or someone looking for a little inspiration, I’d love to connect and see how we can work together. Let’s build something amazing!
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